Occupy Wall Street and the Ghost of Democracy
Political Blog by Eli found on FireDogLake blog site, posted on October 14th 2011
In this politically fueled blog by Eli off of FireDogLake, he is essentially making the statement that Democracy is dead and has been for quite some time. Basically, as most of us head to the polls every few years, we tend to make the same mistakes in candidates as we had the previous election, and we end up re-electing the same problems for ourselves.
Eli posits that the formation of the Occupy Wall Street movement/protests is occurring organically, fueled by the anger and frustration of so many citizens who have grown weary of our corrupt political system, and how the ‘little’ man can not compete against big money interests (which tend to be the interests of the elite few, not the average working person). Eli’s opinion states that even the great hope that was Obama and his administration have not been immune to this current reality.
I personally think that the majority of the readers of the blogs on this site are probably of a Democratic leaning, however, it isn’t difficult to feel that this person’s opinion isn’t too far off the mark, considering the truth about our current state of affairs politically.
One basic critique regarding Eli’s blog is that it is of course completely one sided. The statements made in the blog do not take in to account the views and ideas of the Republican party or it’s supporters, but instead does nothing but point fingers and place complete blame on not only the average voter, but the election and political system in and of itself.
However, the blog does illicit the general feelings of the majority of the Democratic supporters.
So, is Democracy really dead? It’s difficult to not feel that Eli’s statements in his blog ring true, considering the fact that the nations keeps losing valuable jobs and the gap between the wealthy and the poor is growing at an unsettling rate, with no hope in sight for a reversal. Therefore, along with our middle class, I have to agree in some aspects that Democracy is indeed dead.
Here is the hot link to Eli’s blog:
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