Monday, October 10, 2011

The American Voter Crisis

The Myth of Voter Fraud
Published 10/09/11-The New York Times Editorials

The author of this particular editorial makes a compelling personal argument against the new voting laws put in place by these states run by the Republican party. The author, in trying to reach a mainstream Democratic audience with this post, notes the fact that there is indeed very little, if completely negligible, amounts of voter fraud in the US. Voter fraud is the main reason that Republicans in these new law states are claiming as the reason for the new laws (which are ultimately making it difficult for minorities, the elderly and college students to get to the polls). The author sites a new study recently completed by the Brennan Center for Justice that shed light on the new voting laws, thus instigating the editorial.

The author argues here in agreement that these new voting laws are a way for Republicans to keep Democratic voters out of the polls, using various methods surrounding having a valid identification card (in some cases, student ID’s). Nearly 11% of US citizens do not have a current, valid ID.  In all honesty, the author makes a logical argument in that the information he has researched and discovered makes it very clear that Republican states are taking great measures to restrict certain members of society (the working poor, minorities and students..whom are all likely to vote Democrat) from being able to vote even if they can get to the place of voting on election day. Republicans are enacting these tougher voting laws by cutting back on early voting programs, not allowing student ID’s to be used in place of a drivers licence or state ID, and placing new restrictions on absentee ballots. In all, 19 new voting laws including 2 executive actions in a total of 14 US states has passed, per the directive of the Republican party in those states.

I am inclined to agree with the author in general that it is quite apparent that these Republican states are taking specific, calculated measures to keep certain demographics out of the voting booths during elections.  However, I can also see and understand the viewpoint of the Republicans in that all legal and voter eligible citizens should have a legitimate way to identify themselves at the polls, as any registered voter, student, vehicle driver or adult aged person is normally required to have and carry on them. 

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